Notice - For extension of date for Registration and Form Fill-up of Intermediate Class XIth, Session-2020-22 Regular/Marginal Candidates.View/Download  |   Notice - Notice regarding last chance for intermediate class XI Registration and Form Fill-up of regular and marginal candidates.View/Download  |   Notice - Revised date for Registration (Left out) of newly admitted 2020-22 & Form filling of Marginal Students of Class-XI - 20.10.2020 View/Download  |   Notice - Admission Notice for XII. - 16.10.2020 View/Download  |   Notice - ADMITTED STUDENTS, MARGINAL STUDENTS AND REGISTRATION NOTICE WITH THEIR ROLL NO. - 10.10.2020 View, Download & Print  |   Notice:Third Merit List For Class XI- View/Download  |   Admission Notice:Second Merit List class-XI 24.09.2020 - View/Download  |  There is no change in the merit list of Commerce and Science.   |  Admission Notice :Intermediate(Class - XI) Admission Started for 1st Merit List(I.COM./I.SC./I.A.).

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